ELYSSAR is required to implement all the planning and development objectives set forth by the Detailed Master Plan. Hence, the agency will rely on its financial and administrative autonomy to approve development proposals, negotiate the finance of affordable housing and infrastructure works, or enter in partnership with developers to create valuable projects for ELYSSAR and the capital. Although the agency is responsible for improving conditions over 560 Hectares, yet there are 230 Hectares of exempted properties(with no illegal settlements that do not require the intervention of the agency to regulate urban conditions). The remaining 330 Hectares will be subject to the following:

  • Execution of all primary and secondary roads with related utilities.
  • Provision of all necessary infrastructure and public services.
  • Construction of approximately 10,120 units of affordable housing over a 14 year period.
  • Construction of around 1,260 shops.
  • Creation of around 100,000 m2 of light manufacturing, parks, warehousing and workshop Centers .
  • Transfer of local residents in illegal settlements into new and affordable units.
  • Equip and promote the sale or investment of the newly created parcels to recover some of the costs associated with expropriation, relocation of families, provision of housing and infrastructure .